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Special Nature Kit embroidered sticker badge
Everything included in the Nature Kit craft box
Printed materials included in the Nature Kit: postcard, instructions, preplanned schedule
Crystal growing tree materials and instructions
Nature walk & scavenger hunt materials and instructions. Includes wooden pencil, three scavenger hunt cards, and an egg carton treasure box.
Three kids on a scavenger hunt. They are looking for items on the card and collecting fun nature souvenirs..
Child crossing off an items they found on the scavenger hunt.
Framed sun print materials and instructions. Includes sun print paper, nature stencils, markers, and a frame.
Child working on a craft. They are placing stencils on sun paper to create a design.
Mother and children working on their framed sun print craft together.
Mother and child washing off sun print paper to reveal their nature design.
Paint, plant, and grow materials and instructions. Includes soil, seeds, planter, paint, and paintbrush.
Mother explaining kid's nature yoga.
Mother and children enjoying kid's nature yoga together.
Kids working together to complete nature sticker puzzles.

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